Covid-19 Hygiene


As a committed member of the South African family, we operate at the highest level of safety and hygiene and we have ensured that our operating procedures are all updated to take into account the Health Department’s guidelines for Covid-19 risk mitigation measures, and more. These include the following:

  • Limited staff complement at all times
  • Limited contact social distancing practised. One member per section only
  • (4 staff members in a 200m2 Kitchen)
  • All staff are screened for symptoms at the beginning of each shift (including temperature checking) Washing of hands every 30 mins for 20 seconds
  • Staff that record symptoms will be isolated and immediately sent for follow up testing
  • All staff on site will wear Locally manufacture face masks.
  • Staff packing the food wear industry specific Latex Gloves and Masks
  • Strict handwashing and sanitation routines enforced. (Staff, Kitchen, Delivery vehicles and equipment)
  • Staff and Suppliers Shoes are sanitised on entrance to the premises
  • Hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap at every work station, entrance to building and entrance to kitchen foyer
  • Only one staff member deals with Accepting food deliveries.
  • All delivery staff are screened and temperature taken before entering the kitchen.
  • No One is allowed to enter the kitchen without a face mask or been screened and sanitised.
  • We have Educational best practice notices for our staff and drivers, in accordance with the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health’s regulations.
  • We have implemented a No Contact Delivery service which ensures that our customers do not come into physical contact with our staff
  • Drivers are equipped with personal hand sanitisers for regular use on delivery trips as well as sanitizer for the vehicle

We remain committed to keeping our Staff, Clients and suppliers safe via measures put in place in our Kitchen